Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. It reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you to be able to handle your responsibilities and simultaneously allows you to advance to other career opportunities within your organization.
Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This one day workshop will explore many of the facets of delegation, including when to delegate and whom to delegate to. We will also go through the delegation process step by step and learn about techniques to overcome problems.
Why Delegate?
What is Delegation?
Picking the Right Person
The Delegation Meeting
Putting it into Practice
Giving Instructions
Monitoring Delegation
Practicing Delegation
Giving Feedback
Becoming a Good Delegator
SPECIAL OFFER: Book today for Customer Care for Customers With Special Needs Programme and save 30% for in-house programme.
click hereSPECIAL OFFER: Book two places and get the third booking on the same course free of charge.