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Onboarding: The Essential Rules For A Successful Onboarding Program



  • Define onboarding and describe how it is different from orientation
  • Identify the business benefits of onboarding
  • List the factors that contribute to a successful onboarding program
  • Build a team to create an onboarding program
  • Prepare a vision statement and goals for an onboarding program
  • Design a framework for an onboarding program that includes program setup, various types of training, games, progress tracking, and follow-up
  • Customize your onboarding framework
  • Identify which metrics you should track to evaluate program results
  • Create a branded, unique program that will strengthen your company’s image and market position



“Onboarding is the bridge that connects the promise of a new job to the reality of a great one. – Michael Watkins”

Did you know that most employees decide to leave a job within their first 18 months with an organization? When an employee does leave, it usually costs about three times their salary to replace them.

You can greatly increase the likelihood that a new employee will stay with you by implementing a well-designed onboarding program that will guide the employee through their first months with the company. This two-day workshop will explore the benefits of onboarding, show you how to design an onboarding framework, give you ways to customize the program for different audiences (including managers and executives), and demonstrate how to measure results from the program.

Defining Onboarding

  • What is Onboarding?
    • What Onboarding Is (and Is Not)
  • How it Differs from Orientation
  • Benefits for Your Business
  • Factors for Success
  • A Recipe for Disaster

Creating the Onboarding Steering Team

  • The Team that Will Steer the Onboarding Program
  • What their Role Should Be

Gathering Supporting Information

  • Finding the Processes and People
  • Personal Identification
  • Putting it All Together
  • Vision Summary Sample
    • Shape the Program’s Vision
  • Activity: Creating a Vision for a Fictional Company

Setting Goals

  • The Six Elements of a Good Goal
  • The SPIRIT Acronym

Developing the Program

  • A General Framework
  • Creating an Onboarding Plan Template
    • The General Components of the Different Phases
    • Pre-Work
    • Day One
    • Week One
    • Month One
    • Classify Different Activities into Each Phase
  • Semi-Annual and Annual Reviews

A Personal Onboarding Plan

  • Case Study

Customizing the Framework

  • Create a Full Onboarding Program Outline

Measuring Results

  • What Results Can Be Measured to Evaluate the Success Of The Onboarding Program
  • How Can Gather Data

Branding the Program

  • Making the Onboarding Program all Your Own
  • Branding River Adventures
    • The Elements of a Well-Designed Brand
    • How to Apply It

Onboarding Executives

  • Introduction on How Onboarding Programs For Executives May Differ from Programs for the Rest of the Organization

Understanding Employee Engagement

  • The Gallup Studies On Engagement
  • What to Do to Make Sure Employees Are Checked In

Ten Ways to Make Your Program Unique

  • Going Above and Beyond
  • Making Onboarding Program Stand Out

Fun and Games

  • Let’s Get Creative!
  • Our Favorite Onboarding Games

Case Study Analysis

  • Group Case Studies
  • Presentation of Best Practices



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