About Course
- Develop an understanding of the importance of Effective Communication in personal and professional relationships
- Identify common communication problems that may be holding you back
- Develop skills to ask questions
- Learn what their non-verbal messages are telling others
- Develop an understanding of the role of nonverbal communication and how it can impact the effectiveness of communication
- Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically to others
- Enhance their ability to handle difficult situations
- Deal with situations assertively
- How to manage emotions and communicate assertively in difficult or challenging situations
- Develop the ability to communicate effectively in a variety of settings, including one-on-one conversations, group discussions, and public speaking
- Learn strategies for building and maintaining positive relationships through effective communication
“Effective Communication is a two-way street. It’s about actively listening and seeking to understand, as well as speaking and sharing your thoughts and ideas.”
Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to talk with some people and so easy to talk with others? Can you recall an occasion where you met someone for the first time and immediately liked that person? Something about the individual made you feel comfortable.
A major goal of this workshop is to help participants understand the impact that their communication skills have on other people. They will also explore how improving these skills can make it easier for them to get along in the workplace, and in life.
Introduction to Effective Communication Strategies
- The Importance of Effective Communication Strategies in Personal and Professional Relationships
Creating Positive Relationships
- Ten Ways To Build Positive Relationships
- Uplifting Messages
Growing Self-Awareness
- A Self-Confidence Assessment
- Developing Confidence
Session Four: Communication Basics
- Defining a Skilled Communicator
- Identify Communication Strengths and Weaknesses
Communication Barriers
- What is Barriers to Communication
- Remove Barriers to Positive Communication
- Case Study: New Neighbors
- Being Mindful
Asking Questions
- Asking Good Questions
- Examine Questioning Skills:
- Open Questions, Closed Questions, and Probing
- Pushing My Buttons
Listening Skills
- Can You Hear Me?
- How Do You Rate Your Listening Ability?
- Active Listening Skills
- What is Said and What is Heard
- Communication Situations
Body Language
- Non-Verbal Communication
- What Do Our Bodies Say?
- Gestures
- Emotions
Communication Styles
- Dichotomies in Theory
- Dichotomies in Action
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Both Sides of Different Dichotomies Related to Communication Styles
Creating a Positive Self-Image
- Seven Things People Determine From Your Appearance
- Self-Evaluation
Frame Of Reference
- Frame of Reference and the Assumptions
- Strengthen the Ability to Speak About Communication Concepts More Easily
Techniques for the Workplace
- Two Key Elements of an Effective Message:
- Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
- Testing our Theories
- Delivering the Message
- Self-Attitude
- Case Study: A Negative Image
- Investigate Ways That Can Improve Self-Image
- Dealing With Difficult Situations Assertively and Positively
- The Assertive Formula
- Expressing Your No