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The Ultimate Report Writing Course: From Clumsy To Confident


  • Identify different types of report and their purpose.
  • Structure your report systematically.
  • Deal effectively with a variety of report writing requirements.
  • Prepare reports that inform, persuade, and provide information.
  • Present your report with appropriate styles to achieve maximum impact without causing distraction.
  • Use graphs, pie charts and other illustrations appropriately and effectively.
  • Understand the importance of using appropriate language, grammar and punctuation.
  • Understand the importance of proof-reading.
  • Write a coherent and well-structured report.
  • Review your work so that it is clear, concise, complete, and correct.
  • Apply these skills in real work applications.



“The most effective reports are those that are tailored to the needs of their audience, providing the right information at the right time.”

Business reports are diverse in nature, but in general they are produced for the purpose of giving information and / or to aid decision-making.  Some reports are intended for internal purposes only, whereas others are written for both internal and external purposes. However, no matter whom the intended audience is a well-presented, well-organized, professionally written and intelligently researched report says a lot about the author and his / her company.

It is essential to understand how to write reports that get read. We write reports in a range of formats and a variety of purposes. Whether you need to report on a product analysis, inventory, feasibility studies, or something else, report writing is a skill you will use again and again.

Having a method to prepare these documents will help you be as efficient as possible with the task. This course will build on a solid base of writing skills to present information in formal, informal, and proposal styles.

Our Report Writing training is perfect for anyone looking to improve their writing skills and create better reports. With expert instruction, hands-on practice, and real-world examples, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

The C’s of Writing

  • Writing Clearly
  • Writing Concisely
    • Group Exercise
  • Writing Correctly
  • Choosing Your Sources

The Stages of Report Writing

  • Introduce the Four Stages of Report Writing

The First Stage – Investigating

  • Gathering Information
  • Ensure That What Gathered is Accurate
  • Let’s Get Thinking!

The Second Stage – Planning

  • Plan a Report Based on Information Gathered
  • Choosing a Report Format
  • Individual Activity

The Third Stage – Writing 

  • Ensure That Writing is Clear, Concise, Complete, and Correct

The Fourth Stage – Revising

  • The Importance of Revision
  • Checklist for Success
  • Spelling and Grammar
    • Spelling Test

Using Clear English

  • Using Simpler Sentence Structures
  • How to Use Action Verbs
  • Use of Appropriate Grammar, Vocabulary and Tone
    • Language and Style
    • Punctuation
    • Proof-Reading
  • Warm Up The Reader Before Explaining Potentially Complex Topics

Using Headings

  • Organizing a Report

Charts and Graphs

  • The Right Way to Add Charts and Graphs to the Report


  • Finishing Touches for a Report
  • Steps in the Persuasion Process
  • How to Design Your Message
  • How To Deal With Tough Questions

Practical Application

  • Participants Will Peer Edit Each Others’ Work

Giving Credit

  • Documentation Methods and Styles
  • Citing Sources
  • Bibliography Exercise



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