The Professional Supervisor: The Proven Path To Effective Supervision


  • Clarify the scope and nature of a supervisory position.
  • Learn some ways to deal with the challenges of the role.
  • Recognize the responsibilities you have as a supervisor, to yourself, your team, and your organization.
  • Learn key techniques to help you plan and prioritize effectively.
  • Acquire a basic understanding of leadership, team building, communication, and motivation, and what part they play in effective supervision.
  • Develop strategies for motivating your team, giving feedback, and resolving conflict.



“Effective supervision is not just about giving orders, but about empowering and guiding your team.”

The role of supervisors in companies is critical for ensuring that teams and departments are working effectively and efficiently. Supervisors are responsible for overseeing the work of subordinates, providing guidance and support, and ensuring that projects and tasks are completed on time and to a high standard. They also play a key role in promoting team morale, addressing conflicts, and facilitating communication between team members and other departments.

With a host of new challenges and responsibilities to tackle, new supervisors need training that helps them adjust to their new role. Learning how to supervise your new employees on a trial and error basis can lead to discouragement.

Attending The Professional Supervisor Program provides numerous benefits to supervisors and aspiring supervisors. The program provides a comprehensive overview of the responsibilities of a supervisor and equips individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and techniques to succeed in this role.

This three-day workshop can help you overcome many of the problems a new supervisor may encounter, and to set the groundwork for a successful change in your working life!

Adjusting to Your Role

  • A Survival Guide
  • Making the Transition to a Supervisory Role
  • The Puzzle Exercise

A Supervisor’s Responsibilities

  • Responsibilities to Employees, Management, and Themselves

Action-Centered Leadership

  • How to Balance Priorities
    • The Action-Centered Leadership Model
  • Considering the Possibilities

Making Plans

  • Old Sayings with Staying Power
  • Urgent-Important Matrix
  • Prioritizing Case Study
  • The Elements of Planning
  • Planning to Plan

Setting Goals

  • A Goal Setting Method
  • Goal Setting
    • SPIRIT

Defining Leadership

  • What is Leadership?
  • Brief History of Leadership Studies
  • The Theory of Leadership Styles
  • The Leadership Formula
  • Case Studies

The Situational Leadership Model

  • About Leadership
  • Understanding Your Comfort Zone

What’s Your Type? How About Mine?

  • Assessing Your Preferences
  • What Does it Mean to Have a Number?
  • Debrief

Team Building Tips

  • Green Vegetables
  • What is a Team?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
  • The Aspects of a Team
    • The Square Rope Exercise

Developing a High-Performing Team

  • The Five Stages of Team Development
  • How Can I Help?
  • Team Problem Solving
  • Team Leadership

Communication Skills

  • Defining Communication
  • Communication Barriers
  • Active Listening Skills
  • Questioning Skills
  • Probing Techniques
  • The Communication Process

Motivating Employees

  • To Motivate or Instigate
  • Different Motivation Techniques
  • Making Connections

Orientation and Onboarding

  • The Differences Between the Two
  • The First 48 Hours
  • How Did Your Orientation Rate?

Training Tips and Tricks

  • Guidelines for Effective Training
  • Developing Your Training Skills

Providing Feedback

  • Six Characteristics of Effective Feedback
  • Skill Building
  • Receiving Feedback

Doing Delegation Right

  • What is Delegation?
  • Defining Delegation
  • Delegation Role Plays

Dealing with Conflict

  • The Conflict-Resolution Process
  • The Problem Solving Process
  • The Conference Exercise

Managing Disciplinary Issues

  • Disciplinary Issues From a Supervisor’s Point of View
  • What Is Discipline
  • Meeting With an Employee for a Disciplinary Purpose
  • Discipline Checklist

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