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Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure


  • Apply quick and easy preparation methods that will work whether you have one minute or one week to prepare.
  • Prepare for questions, even before you know what those questions will be.
  • Overcome nervousness that you may have when speaking in front of a group, particularly if the group is not sympathetic to what you have to say.
  • Use presentation techniques that establish your credibility and get people on your side.



“Our course will equip you with the tools you need to handle pressure and deliver effective presentations.”

This workshop has been designed for those in positions where they must speak in front of audiences that are hostile or demanding. This material is also suitable for those who are relatively new speakers who want some encouragement to speak up in meetings or who want some training before they begin making presentations on behalf of the organization.

Speaking under pressure, or thinking on your feet, means being able to quickly organize your thoughts and ideas, and then being able to convey them meaningfully to your audience to modify their attitudes or behavior. It applies to formal speeches as well as everyday business situations.

It requires presence of mind, goal orientation, adaptation, and judgment. It also requires differentiating between oral and written communications.

This course is aimed at improving your skills and learning some new techniques which will give you the persuasive edge when you are making a presentation, fielding difficult questions, or presenting complex information.


  • Getting Started
  • What is Speaking Under Pressure?
  • Presentation Preparation
    • Easy Way to Structure any Presentation
  • Evaluations


  • Preparing to Plan
  • Seven Easy Ways to Better Prepare for a Presentation
  • Evaluations

Force Field Analysis

  • What is Force Field Analysis?
  • Group Exercise
    • A Structured Method
  • Pros and Cons

Understanding Your Audience

  • Understanding Your Audience, Part One
  • Audience Profiles
  • A Three-Phase Needs Approach
  • Finding Common Ground
  • Practical Application
    • Creating an Audience Profile

Controlling Your Jitters

  • Overcoming Nervousness
  • How to Make the Most of Stage Fright
  • Presentation

Making Your Listener Hear You

  • What Turns Listeners On and Off

Key Themes

  • About Key Themes
    • What A Key Theme Is?
    • How to Create One?
    • How to Distill It Into a Key Sentence?
  • Practical Application
    • Homework Assignment
  • Key Sentences

Key Sentences

  • Key Themes
    • Share Homework Assignment

Structuring Ideas

  • Three Key Points for a Presentation
  • Building a Three-Part Plan
  • Tips for Sending a Memorable Message
  • Practical Application

Organization Methods

  • Using Time, Place, and Aspect
  • Practical Application
    • Different Ways to Organize the Information
  • Two Additional Plans

Our Body Language

  • How the Listener Takes Control
  • Positive and Negative Body Messages
  • The Meaning Behind Our Message

If You Could Be…

  • Prepare for Major Presentation
  • Short Presentation:
    •  If You Could Wake Up Tomorrow Having Gained Any One Ability

Beginnings and Endings

  • Ways To Create Strong Beginnings and Endings
  • Three Purposes to a Good Beginning
  • Writing an Ending

Expanding a Basic Plan

  • Tips on Fleshing Out Small Presentations
  • Techniques Can Help Building Basic Plan
    • Symbols
    • Opposites
    • Statistics
    • Tips and Tricks


To conclude the workshop, participants will prepare and present a short five minute speech. Participants will also evaluate each other.

Course Price:
