Public Relations Boot Camp


  • Understanding the role and purpose of public relations in an organization
  • Apply the different purposes to strategic vs. tactical PR
  • Design a PR strategy
  • Develop the skills necessary to plan and execute successful public relations campaigns
  • How to effectively communicate and interact with various audiences, including the media, stakeholders, and the public
  • Develop strong relationships with reporters and journalists
  • Take the Communication Skills to a higher level
  • Understand the role of ethics In Public Relations and how to maintain credibility and trust with stakeholders
  • Managing media relations and handling crisis situations



“The art of Public Relations is the art of human understanding.”

The field of public relations has changed with the evolution of computers and the speed with which information can spread. However, the need for public relations to be clear, concise, and accurate while being completely appropriate for the situation has not changed however.

The Public Relations Boot Camp is a comprehensive course designed to teach participants the skills and strategies needed to effectively communicate with the public and media. Through a series of interactive lectures, case studies, and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn how to craft and disseminate compelling messages, build and maintain relationships with stakeholders, determine the type of information required, to approach PR strategically, create persuasive releases, manage your media relations, create and implement PR campaigns, and handle crisis situations. By the end of the course, attendees will have a strong foundation in the principles of public relations and be well-equipped to start a successful career in the industry.

Public Relations

  • Introduction
  • What Public Relations Is All About and Why it is Important

Building Your PR Plan

  • Defining Reality
  • Defining the Goal
  • Defining Benchmarks
  • Selecting Your Strategy and Tactics
  • The Plan
    • A Checklist of Essential Elements for a PR Plan
  • Getting Down to Business
  • Wisdom Work

Structuring Messages

  • Creating Your Media Image
  • Getting Clear on Your Message
  • Making Connections
  • Media Kits
  • Creating Strong, Positive Messages

Establishing Media Guidelines

  • What Media Guidelines Are All About
  • Two Groups are Better Than One
  • Selecting a Spokesperson
  • Approval Process

Managing the Media

  • Building Rapport with Reporters
  • Answering Tough Questions
  • Speaking in Sound Bites
  • Getting Creative
  • Options When You Have “No Comment”

The Press Release

  • Writing a Press Release That Gets Your Company Noticed In The Right Way
    • Before You Start
    • Other Options
    • The Basics
    • Give it a Shot

PR and the Crisis

  • Business Continuity and Recovery
  • Setting Priorities
  • Essential Crisis Plan Elements
  • Exercising Options
  • Handling Negative Publicity
  • Reviewing and Revising

Social Media and Public Relations

  • The Role of Social Media in Public Relations
    • Where It Is
    • Monitoring Tips and Tricks

Ethics in PR

  • Professional Standards
  • Codes Of Conduct
  • Legal Considerations.

Internal Communication

  • The Importance of Effective Internal Communication
  • Techniques for Effective Internal Communication
  • Case Studies on Internal Communication

Course Price:
