Knowledge Management


  • Define knowledge and knowledge management.
  • Explain the difference between explicit and tacit knowledge.
  • Identify various knowledge management theoretical models.
  • Explain how a properly implemented knowledge management program can improve efficiency.
  • Describe the steps for employing a new knowledge management program in an organization.
  • Identify the required components for implementing a knowledge management framework within an organization.


Understanding how to manage the knowledge within your organization is the key to business success. Mismanagement of organizational knowledge comes with a price: frustrated employees, angry customers, and decreased productivity. All of these things can affect a business’ bottom line. The purpose behind knowledge management is to help us bridge organizational gaps and to use our greatest asset (our knowledge) to take our business performance to the next level. The theory of knowledge management has emerged to help us harness and enhance both the individual and collective brain power of our businesses. This workshop will introduce participants to knowledge management tips, techniques, and proven processes.


  • What is Knowledge?
  • The Differences Between Tacit and Explicit Knowledge
    • Communicating Explicit and Tacit Knowledge
  • What is Knowledge Management?
  • History of Knowledge Management

The Business Case for Knowledge Management

  • Reducing Costs and Growing Sales with Knowledge Management
  • Personal Work Performance and Bottom Line Benefits
  • Business Case Basics
  • Sample Knowledge Management Business Case

The Knowledge Management Mix

  • three components vital to knowledge management:
    • People
      • Recognition within the Knowledge Management Mix
    • Technology
    • Process

The Knowledge Management Framework

  • Introduction
  • Needs Analysis
  • Resource Identification
  • Process Analysis, Identification, and Construction
  • Accumulating, Sharing, and Storing Knowledge

ITandD’s Conundrum

  • Assignment

Knowledge Management Models

  • This session will cover four popular knowledge management models:
  • Bukowitz and Williams’ knowledge management process framework
  • Gamble and Blackwell’s knowledge management matrix
  • Botha’s process model
  • Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Spiral Model

The Knowledge Management Toolkit

  • Tools That Will Support Knowledge Management Initiative
    • Cross-Functional Teams
    • Mentoring
    • Organizational Culture
    • IT Based Solutions
    • Which Technologies Would Be Best?

Implementing Knowledge Management Initiatives

  • Building Knowledge Networks
  • Creating a Knowledge Management Body of Knowledge (KMBOK)
  • Creating a Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Position
  • Advertise for Your CKO
  • Creating a Post Mortem Plan
  • Creating Measures
  • Start With a Pilot
  • Where Do I Put This?
  • Support Your Organization Through the Change

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