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ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System INTERNAL AUDIT COURSE

Who Should Attend?

Management Representatives  , QA/QC Engineers, Quality Assurance Personnel, , Management System Practitioners, Management System Auditors, Inspectors and or anyone interested in getting familiar with requirements of the new standard and internal audits execution. Everyone in an organization specially the management cadre.
Course Objectives: To get understanding for the quality management system standards meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard and preparation for conduct of effective value added internal auditing.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Perform internal audit planning & scheduling, execution and report writing.
  • Help the organization and related departments in better management of internal audits and their effective use for improvement of company processes.
  • Understand and reinforce improved customer care and work competency
  • Better process management and process based internal auditing

Course Overview and Content

This course is designed to provide necessary training and competency to conduct internal quality audits in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard. The course is based on the auditing requirements of ISO 19011:2011 standard.

Internal Quality Auditing is a mandatory requirement in ISO 9001:2015 standard. This course is based on participative and accelerated learning techniques. A main topic covered in the course includes;

  • Study and understanding of ISO 9001:2015 requirements
  • Definitions and Concepts as per the latest standard
  • ISO 19011:2011 Guidelines for Auditing
  • Auditing principles; Auditor’s Attributes and Responsibilities
  • Types, Classification and Approaches of Audits
  • Audit Planning and scheduling
  • Audit Execution and  Reporting
  • Case Studies and Exercises
  • Auditors Qualification and Registration

Session One

Background of ISO 9001:2015 standards

Why ISO is revised?

Main changes and its Focus

Revised QMS Principles / Systems Approached
Session Two

Structure of ISO 9001:2015 standards

Over-all structure of Annex SL

What is Annex SL?

Structure Changes

Major Changes in Terminologies
Session Three

Details of Changes

Context of the organization

Understanding the organisation and its context

Risk Based Thinking

Risk and Preventive Actions

Clauses of ISO 9001:2015 address “RISKS”

Risk Management Process (ISO 31000:2009 Standard)

Risk Assessment Methods

Requirements for Documentation Information

Other Changes on Organizational Knowledge, Leadership

Correspondence between ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 9001:2008
Session Four

Certification Transition Timeline

What organization Can Do
Session Five

Quality Management System

Auditing – Auditors’ Qualification, Roles and Responsibilities

Requirements for Internal Audit

Categories of Audits

Various Purposes of Auditing

Objectives of Internal Audit

Auditors Attributes, Auditors Qualification and Auditors Role


Session Six

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

Internal Auditing Techniques

Internal Audit: A Continual Improvement Cycle

Stages of QMS Audit

Initiating Audit Sequence

Objectives and Scope of an Audit

Process Audit Tool, Collecting Information’s

Audit Findings

Writing a Corrective Action Requests

Non-Conformity Statements

Audit Reports

Audit Follow ups

Audit Completion
Session Seven


Course Feedback

End of Sessions
Training Methodology

  • Presentation
  • Lectures
  • Case Studies
  • Group Discussion
  • Exercises


Course Price:
