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Human Resources Management



  • Identify current issues in the human resource field and the changing role of supervisors and managers in terms of HR functions.
  • Write job specifications and identify core competencies.
  • Apply methods of finding, selecting, and keeping the best people using behavioral description interviewing techniques.
  • Get new employees off to a good start.
  • Understand compensation and benefits.
  • Maintain healthy employee relations.
  • Make performance appraisals a cooperative process.



“Human Resources is the heart of any organization”

Human Resources Management Training Course is designed to provide HR managers with the knowledge, skills and best practices necessary to effectively lead and manage their teams.

Human Resources Management Training Course is an essential investment for HR managers looking to improve their skills, stay current with industry trends, and drive business success.

The training covers a wide range of topics that are critical to the success of the HR function, by attending the course HR managers will be better equipped to lead and manage their HR teams, navigate the complexities of modern HR management, and drive business success for their organizations.

This five-day workshop will introduce those managers to human resource concepts. We will walk you through the hiring process, from performing a skills inventory to conducting the interview; discuss orientation; and cover some issues that arise after the hiring (such as diversity issues, compensation, and discipline).

Defining Human Resources

  • Introduction to Human Resources Management
  • Overview of The Role And Responsibilities
  • The Basics of HR Management
  • What “Human Resources” Means
  • Discussion of Current Trends and Challenges in the Field
  • Exercise: Self-Assessment of HR Knowledge and Skills
  • Case Study: Expansion Staffing
    • The Challenges That An HR Professional Faces
  • Group Discussion

Performing a Skills Inventory

  • What A Skills Inventory Is?
  • What Its Benefits Are?

Forecasting Techniques

  • What is Human Resource Forecasts?
  • Two Main Types of Forecasting:
    • Indexing
    • Extrapolation

Job Analysis

  • Understanding Job Analysis
  • Performing an Analysis
  • Job Analysis Formats
    • Activity: Complete a Basic Job Analysis

Identifying Job Competencies

  • How to Identify Technical and Performance Skills Needed to do a Job

Position Profiles and Job Descriptions

  • What A Job Description Is
  • Preparing a Profile
  • My Position Profile

Do You Really Need to Hire?

  • Evaluate All Options
  • The Real Cost of Employee Turnover

Finding Candidates

  • Eight Ways to Recruit Candidates

Advertising Guidelines

  • Things to Consider When Writing a Job Ad

Screening Resumes

  • Using a Resume Screening Guide
  • Developing a Resume Screening Guide

Preparing for the Interview

  • Preparation Checklist
  • Interview Exercise
  • Role Play an Interview

Conducting the Interview

  • History of the Interviewing Process
  • Criteria for Objective Interview
  • Behavioral Interviewing Techniques
  • Purpose of Behavioral Interviewing
  • Asking Questions
  • Provocative Statements
  • Sample Behavioral Description Interview Questions
  • Developing Behavioral Description Interview Questions
  • The Critical Incident Technique
  • Creating a Critical Incident

After the Interview

  • What Should Do After The Interview
  • Methods of Rating Candidates

Employee Orientation and Onboarding

  • Why Have Orientation?
  • How Did Your Orientation Rate?
  • Problems to Avoid
  • Planning the Orientation Program
  • Exercise: Developing an Onboarding Plan
  • Legal Compliance and Paperwork
  • Introduction to Company Culture and Policies

Follow the Leader

  • Leadership Skills
  • Activity

Planning Training

  • The Training Cycle
  • The Process for Performing a Training Needs Assessment
  • Internal vs. External Training
    • The Advantages and Disadvantages

Working with External Providers

  • Criteria for Choosing an External Person

Performance Reviews

  • Performance Review Problems
  • A Performance Management Checklist
  • Case Study: Who Will Be the Best?
  • Setting Clear Performance Expectations
  • Dissecting a Performance Review
  • Identifying Behaviors
  • Conducting Effective Performance Evaluations
  • Providing Feedback
  • Managing Poor Performance

Attendance Management

  • The Cost of Absenteeism
  • The Case of Gretchen Washington
  • Dealing with Attendance Management
  • Common Causes and Solutions

Managing a Diverse Workforce

  • Dealing with Diversity
    • Common Diversity Issues
  • Your Experience with Pigeon Holes

Privacy Issues

  • The Privacy of Personal Information
  • The 10 Principles of Personal Information Protection

Employee Relations and Engagement

  • Best Practices For Maintaining Positive Employee Relations
  • Communication and Feedback
  • Exercise: Handling Employee Complaints and Grievances
  • Employee Recognition and Rewards

Compensation and Benefits

  • The Role of Compensation and Benefits
  • Case Study: It’s Not You, It’s Me

Managing Disciplinary Issues

  • A Four Step Disciplinary System that Can be Applied to any Situation

Terminating Employees

  • Letting Staff Go
  • Case Study: How to Fire an Employee?

Exit Interviews

  • Types of Exit Interviews
  • A Sample Questionnaire



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