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Developing A Training Needs Analysis: Uncovering The Hidden Needs



  • Understand the concept and importance of Training Needs Analysis for companies
  • Identify when to perform a TNA
  • Identify and assess training needs by gathering and analyzing data
  • Develop a comprehensive training plan that addresses identified needs
  • Use appropriate tools and methodologies for data collection and analysis
  • Communicate findings and recommendations effectively through a training needs analysis report
  • Apply the knowledge and skills learned through hands-on exercises



“Training Needs Analysis is the foundation upon which a successful training program is built. An effective training program begins with understanding the gap between where employees are and where they need to be.”

Training is an essential element of development in any organization. Being knowledgeable and continuing to learn throughout your career can make you a very valuable asset. We also know that training and orientation (or ‘onboarding’) for newly hired employees are a key factor in retention.

Developing a Training Needs Analysis course is designed to help professionals identify and address the specific training needs of their organization.

This two-day workshop is designed for a trainer who wants to develop Training Needs Analysis that are meaningful, practical, and will benefit both trainees and the organizations they work for.

Understanding Training Needs Analysis

  • Definition of Training Needs Analysis
  • Why is it Important for Companies
  • Key Concepts and Terminology
  • Different Approaches to Training Needs Analysis

Identifying and Assessing Training Needs

  • Determine What Data Is Required
  • Gathering Data to Identify Training Needs
  • Analyzing the Data and Identifying Gaps
  • Assessing Current Performance Levels
  • Determining the Most Effective Training Solutions

Conducting a Training Needs Analysis

  • Identifying the Target Audience
  • Defining the Training Objectives
  • Developing a Training Plan
  • Implementing the Training Program
  • Evaluating the Training Program

Tools and Methodologies

  • Identifying the Training Needs
  • Data Collection Methods
  • Questionnaires, Surveys, Interviews, Interview, Focus Group, Data Mining
  • Observation and Testing
  • Analyzing and Interpreting the Data

Communication and Reporting

  • Set Expectations
  • Communicating the Findings and Recommendations to Key Stakeholders
  • Creating a Training Needs Analysis Report

Implementation and Evaluation

  • Developing a Budget
  • Identifying the Resources Required
  • Developing a Schedule
  • Implementing the Training Program
  • Evaluating the Training Program
  • Measuring the Impact and Making Necessary Adjustments

New Training Requirements

  • Identify Gaps Between Identified Needs and Current Training
  • Outline Content for New Training
  • Make a Build or Buy Decision



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