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Customer Service And Telephone Techniques: Critical Elements Of Customer Service


  • Demonstrate a Customer Service approach
  • Understand how your own behavior affects the behavior of others
  • Demonstrate confidence and skill as a problem solver
  • Apply techniques to deal with difficult customers
  • Make a choice to provide customer service



“The goal as a company is to have Customer Service that is not just the best, but legendary.” – Sam Walton

Customer service is a critical aspect of any business as it directly impacts the satisfaction and loyalty of customers. Companies that prioritize customer service are more likely to retain their customers and attract new ones through positive word-of-mouth. In today’s competitive market, providing Exceptional Customer Service has become a powerful differentiator for businesses.

Training employees on Customer Service is essential as it equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively handle customer interactions and resolve issues. Well-trained employees are better equipped to understand and anticipate customer needs, build trust and loyalty, and provide a positive customer experience. They can also identify opportunities to upsell and cross-sell products and services.

This two-day course is designed around Six Critical Elements of Customer Service that, when the company lives them, bring customers back to experience service that outdoes the competition.

What is Customer Service?

  • Definitions
  • The First Critical Element – A Customer Service Focus

Who Are Your Customers?

  • Customers Take Two Forms:
    • Internal and External
  • All Customers’ Basic Needs

Meeting Expectations

  • The Critical Areas That Customers Have Expectations For
  • Common Customer Service Assumptions

Setting Goals and Targets

  • Setting Long- and Short-Term Goals
  • Creating a Personal Vision Statement
  • Identifying Dreams and Setting Goals
  • My Dreams and Goals

The Second Critical Element – Defined in Your Organization

  • What Your Organization Expects of You
  • How to Ensure That Those Standards Line Up With What Customers Expect

The Third Critical Element – Given Life by the Employees

  • Why Customer Service Must be a Philosophy

Communication Skills

  • Empathy
  • Key Communication Skills
  • Defining Communication
  • Body Language
  • Asking Questions
  • Listening

Telephone Techniques

  • An Ideal Telephone Call
  • Telephone Basics
  • From the Greeting to the Conclusion
  • Handling Everyday Requests
  • Placing a Caller On Hold
  • Taking a Message
  • Tips and Tricks

Dealing with Difficult Callers

  • Common Types of Difficult Callers
  • Appropriate Responses
  • A Mix-And-Match Exercise

Dealing with Challenges Assertively

  • An Assertiveness Model
  • Small Group Work
    • Develop Responses to Some of Unexpected Challenges

Dealing with Difficult People

  • Understand Difficult Behavior
  • Getting to the Heart of the Matter
  • The Three F’s
  • Identify Some Coping Strategies
  • Types of Difficult People

Dealing with Conflict

  • Five Ways to Deal with Conflict

The Fourth Critical Element – Be a Problem Solver

  • Reducing Conflict
  • Problem Solving in Six Steps
  • Role Play

Seven Steps to Customer Problem Solving

  • The Process
  • Role Play
  • The Recovery Process
    • A Six-Step Process That Can Turn Unhappy Customers Around

The Fifth Critical Element – Measure It

  • Tools to Use
  • Measurement in Practice
    • Ideas for Measuring Customer Service

The Sixth Critical Element – Reinforce it

  • Reinforcement Techniques
    • Keep A Customer Service Focus Strong
  • Power Talk

Dealing with Stress

  • Easy Ways to Destress in any Place, at any Time



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