Advanced Time Management: Time Is On Your Side


  • Re-evaluate and simplify your goals to increase your productivity
  • Focus on what is most important and use techniques to simplify everything to boost your productivity
  • Use a series of techniques to save lost time in meetings and use alternative means of communication according to your needs
  • Use a step-by-step technique to replace your bad habits with good habits and increase your productivity
  • Automate your notes and tasks, program yourself for good habits, engineer your environment and monitor yourself to increase efficiency
  • Improve your current time management system using advanced GTD techniques on action formulation, periodic review and prioritization
  • Process e-mails systematically using advanced e-mail management techniques such as automation, task management, filtering and frequency control



“Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant PERSISTENCE.” Napoleon Hill

The secret to keeping an effective time management system is to constantly review it and make sure you don’t gradually fall back to bad habits. This course provides a series of advanced guidelines for those who want to push the boundaries and stay on top of their workloads. This course is designed to encourage discussions among delegates so not only they can benefit from the guidelines provided but also from each other. Many people develop tricks or come across useful time saving tips. The course is carefully designed to maximise this interaction so delegates can constantly learn new materials during the course.

The course focuses on two aspects of productivity; attitude adjustment and environmental engineering. Correct attitude helps an individual filter through tasks and focus on what matters the most. Environmental engineering helps individuals free their mind from tracking mundane tasks and instead focus on critical activities. This allows users to constantly focus on goals and push forward through the clutter encountered in day-to-day life.

People who want to become successful need to know how to manage their time well. They will always have some kind of a system to deal with day-to-day tasks. The purpose of this course is to help participants review their current systems and fine tune it using various productivity techniques.


Participants must complete Time Management course before taking this workshop.

Define Goals

  • Goal-Oriented Thinking
  • Formulate Your Goals
  • What is Important to Focus on and What Should Be Left Out?
  • Place Yourself First?

Eliminate Unnecessary Stuff

  • The Grand Rule Of Productivity
  • Two Fundamental Laws of Productivity that Can Significantly Help Getting More Done
  • The Secret to Success and How Can Make You More Productive?
  • Different Ways to Delegate a Task
  • Increase the Efficiency of Phone Conversations
  • Is There A Way Other Than Multi-Tasking To Save Time?

Handling Meetings

  • Strategies to Increase Productivity While Attending Meetings
  • Avoid Face-To-Face Meetings to Increase Productivity
  • When And How to Use Alternative Methods of Communication?

Managing Your Habits

  • Why People Develop A Bad Habit?
  • What Does It Mean To Be Disciplined?
  • How Can You Be Disciplined?
  • A 6-Steps Technique to Eliminate a Bad Habit
  • Beat the Urge of Falling Back to Bad Habits

Automate Everything

  • What Can Be Automated And Why This Matters?
  • Implement a Universal Task Management System
  • The Critical Points to Consider When Considering Such a System
  • Take Advantage of Automatic Reminders to Program Yourself
  • How to Log Your Life and Why is this Significant
  • Digital Or Paper
    • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Type
  • Control and Engineer Internet Browsing Habits

Advanced GTD

  • Introduction of GTD
    • A Popular System Of Time Management Known As Getting Things Done From David Allen
  • Make Sure Tasks Don’t Get Stuck in your “Next Actions” List
  • Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done
  • Formulate Actions
  • When and How to Review Your GTD Time Management System

Managing E-mails

  • The Ideal Time to Respond to E-Mails
  • Prioritise and Filter Emails to Reduce Time Spent Handling Unnecessary E-Mails
  • Process E-Mails:
    • What Are Your Options After Reading an E-Mail
  • The Fundamental Productivity Principles of E-Mail Management
  • An Ideal Folder Structure and E-Mail Workflow
  • Minimise Slow Moving E-Mail Conversations
  • Manage E-Mail When You Are On The Move


Course Price:
